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The preschool operates 5 days per week during school terms.
Sessions are from 9.00am to 3.00pm, with children attending 5 days per fortnight (2 set days a week and everyday 2nd Friday). Children must be 3 – 5 years of age to attend the preschool and must be turn 3 years old before 31st March to enrol.

There may be limited places available for 2 year old children to attend on only one day a week (day to be confirmed) in 2025,..Children will need to be 2 years old by 31st January to enrol, with Priority of Access given to 3 – 5 year old children in the community under the terms and conditions of the preschool’s funding.

Based on  the number of 3-5 year old enrolments (as these must be given preference), and the Enquiries received for 2 year old children, the preschool will then determine the pattern of enrolments for 2-year olds in 2025.

ENROLMENTS FOR 2025 OPEN on 25th September, 2024

Please indicate the days you prefer for 2025 on the  enrolment form. The 5 day fortnight enrolment pattern will continue in 2025, from 9am to 3pm, with Friday being the alternating day.

We will attempt to accommodate your needs however, younger children will be allocated Mondays and mostly Tuesdays, while the older children in the year before school will be allocated Wednesdays and generally Thursdays as the schools have been running their Transition to School programs for the 4-5 year old’s on Mondays and Tuesdays. The preschool is also required to follow its Priority of Access Policy in meeting NSW DoE funding terms and conditions.

(Completing an enrolment form does not guarantee a place or preferred days. These will be confirmed by 31/10/24.  Priority of Access by NSW DoE will be followed)

Links for 2025 enrolments:

Enrolments close on 18th October and places confirmed after this date. 

*Note: A person from each family that has a child/ren attending the preschool must complete an Application for Membership form upon confirmation of enrolment to become a member of Peak Hill Preschool Kindergarten Inc. under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009

Additional information:


Government Legislation states that the Preschool is required to maintain an immunisation register regarding the immunisation status of all enrolled children. To enrol in the Preschool, parents must provide an ACIR Immunisation History Statement stating the child is up-to-date or on a catch up schedule (certified  by the immunisation provider), or provide the Preschool with an ACIR Immunisation Exemption form (certified  by an immunisation provider) for medical reasons.



Preschool fees for 3-5 year old children in 2025

Fee Schedule 2025

The Start Strong for Community Preschools program provides funding to deliver affordable quality preschool education for 3 to 5 year old children enrolled in eligible community and mobile preschools in NSW. The Start Strong Fee Relief Payment  aims to reduce the cost of early childhood education and care to families in the form of fee pass-through. The funding is provided to reduce the daily fees as much as possible for 600 hours per year of enrolment for eligible children accessing fee relief at the service.

We are awaiting confirmation from the NSW Government regarding the continuation of the Preschool Fee Relief initiative in 2025 which has previously contributed towards part or all of the cost of preschool fees for families if the family has opted to receive it at Peak Hill Preschool. Families will be informed once we receive more details.

School Bus

By special arrangement, school buses bring some children living outside the town limits to the Preschool and pick-up in the afternoon. Bus drivers are not required to carry Preschoolers and they are not paid for this service – they travel any extra distance at their own expense.  Please recognise the favour your bus driver is doing for you.