Our current Management committee office bearers are:
President: Skye Westcott
Vice-President: Mikaela Hando
Secretary: Courtney Westcott
Treasurer: Clare Blackwell
Elected member 1:Vacant
Elected member 2: Vacant
Elected member 3: Vacant
The Preschool is a community based non-profit incorporated organisation and is managed by a voluntary committee elected annually from parents and interested persons. The Management Committee must hold a minimum of five meetings during each preschool year.
Parents are encouraged to become a member of the Management Committee. Parents are eligible to vote once they become a member of the incorporated body (all families pay a membership fee when enrolling their child which entitles them to immediate voting rights).
You may find that involvement on the Management Committee would enable you to help promote the Preschool in a direction that you see as beneficial to your children and the children of Peak Hill and district.
Fundamental to the ongoing success to the Peak Hill Preschool is continual communication between the Preschool staff, Management Committee, families who utilise the Preschool and the wider community.