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Our Preschool staff bring a wide range of experience to the service, which combine to provide a broad spectrum of expertise and talents within the Preschool. 

The current Preschool Director holds a degree qualification – Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood & Primary). Each service must also appoint an Educational Leader with suitable experience to mentor and support other educators.  Other staff members must hold a minimum qualification of Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care (previously known as Children’s Services).

Currently Peak Hill Preschool has two teachers with Education degrees, and 3 educators with Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. While it is a requirement that there is a person on site at all times who holds a current first aid certificate and approved asthma and anaphylaxis training, all staff at Peak Hill Preschool Kindergarten Inc hold the current required first aid qualifications.

Current staff members are:

Director/ Early Childhood Teacher:
Narelle Elias      Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)

Educational Leader/Early Childhood Teacher:
Leanne Hurst     Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)

Early Childhood Educators:
Lamia Bell (Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care) (AEW)

Ashley Ryan (Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care)

Vicky Vosloo (Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care)


Administration Officer:
Bernadette Aiken (Certificate IV Accounting)


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